Is Moringa really medicinal?

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Is Moringa really medicinal?

Post by Tobi »

The claims peddled by many is that Moringa is medicinal. But is it truly?
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Most of the claims about Moringa have not been actively tested on humans.

This is what is known so far;

Lab studies suggest moringa extracts may halt growth of bacteria and fungi, but human data are lacking.

Lab studies show moringa seed extract and compounds isolated from the fruit may prevent inflammation. But this is yet to be fully explored.

Studies suggest moringa may reduce blood glucose levels and have potential as an antidiabetic agent, but there are yet to be well-designed human studies .

No human studies on this.

High cholesterol
A small study showed some positive benefits to patients. But obviously bigger studies are needed.

There are beneficial food products from the seeds such as nuts and oils, and the leaves as vegetables. But to hype it as a wonder drug may mislead many into depending on it as a substitute for proper medical care. It could be dangerous.

The food in all these is that the need for more high level research opens up possibilities for science to guide us with facts.

More on Moringa here

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